Send All Channel # Digits at Once?

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Send All Channel # Digits at Once?

Postby MurrayW » Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:44 pm

My question is specific to the HR10-250, but I am guessing it is general to all sat and cable boxes. I'd like to know if something like this is possible and if anyone has ever done it on any device.

I am using MainLobby to control a lot of my AV gear and a USB-UIRT to send IR to my HR10-250 that is in the garage behind the wall that my TV is on.

I have played with the timing sequence (adding various delays in between the IR signals) in sending channel numbers to the HR10-250 and cannot always get it to consistently receive all of the individual channel numbers that I send to it. Sometimes it will "miss" one of the channel numbers I send to it. What I would really like to do is to send all channel numbers at once and have the HR10-250 recognize it and act upon it.

I'd like to be able to get the same behavoir that you get when hitting the "last" button to go jump back to the previous channel you were watching. Or like you get when you are in the guide and select a channel from there -- it seems to go almost immediately to the channel selected rather than the time it would take to enter 3 channel numbers at once.

Does anyone know if there is anyway I can make this happen? Are there any "secret" codes that can send 3 or 4 numbers at once instead of just if I wanted to watch channel 212 I could send 212 at once rather than 2, wait for the unit to receive and record that number, then 1, wait for the unit to receive and record that number, then 2, wait for the unit to receive and record that number, then enter.

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Postby jrhees » Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:41 am

Probably not. Most consumer equipment doesn't have this functionality, since the entire channel number would have to be encoded in the IR code. When you press the 'last' button, the remote is not sending the last channel number, but rather a 'last' code which the TV uses to recall the last channel from within the TV's memory.

If you are having it miss digits, you may want to increase the repeat setting. Another thing to look at is if the USB-UIRT (if using the blaster) is too close to the TV, -or- if there is IR interference which occasionally collides with an IR transmission.

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Postby Guest » Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:03 am

jrhees wrote:Probably not. Most consumer equipment doesn't have this functionality, since the entire channel number would have to be encoded in the IR code. When you press the 'last' button, the remote is not sending the last channel number, but rather a 'last' code which the TV uses to recall the last channel from within the TV's memory.

If you are having it miss digits, you may want to increase the repeat setting. Another thing to look at is if the USB-UIRT (if using the blaster) is too close to the TV, -or- if there is IR interference which occasionally collides with an IR transmission.


Hi Jon,

Just out of curiosity, do you have any idea how these stb's send the signal from the guide? That seems like it is somehow interpreting the channel number and sending it much more quickly than I ever could input 3 or 4 individual channel numbers.

I am using a stick on emitter. The blaster part is in another room. In another forum someone stated that the HR10-250 sometimes gets "overwhelmed by IR signals" and suggested covering all of the IR window except a small pinhole where the stick on IR emitter would go. Someone else suggested taking the case off and putting the emitter on the IR sensor within the unit. Any opinions on either one of these?


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