Multiple units and heavy IR transmission?

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Multiple units and heavy IR transmission?

Postby roschler » Sun Nov 20, 2005 2:14 am

I'm going to be controlling several IR controlled robots at once. I'll need to pump out quite a few IR codes at a time. I know the USB UIRT dll can be shared, but I'm pretty certain that there will be many times where I will need to transmit an IR code while the USB UIRT is busy. Hence my question about multiple units or the use of the dual emitter unit.

For me to be able to do this successfully what is the best option?:

?) Buy another USB UIRT besides the single emitter unit I already have? If so, can I connect more than one USB UIRT to a computer and address them individually from my app without DLL or USB port problems?

?) Buy the two emitter USB UIRT? If so, can I address each emitter individually?

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Postby jrhees » Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:52 pm


Whether one unit will suffice depends on whether you need the IR codes to transmit immediately:

The USB-UIRT (even with multiple output connections) only can generate one IR code at a time. So, if two apps try to send IR, the USB-UIRT will send one IR code followed by the other.

You can use multiple USB-UIRT's on the same machine with a bit of change to your programming. In this scenario, each USB-UIRT acts independently.

HOWEVER, you still must be wary of trying to send multiple IR at the same time *IF* the ir paths or not completely visibly isolated. If the two emitters are in the same room, the receivers on the units being controlled will see overlapping signals.

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Postby roschler » Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:23 am


1) Then what is the dual emitter unit good for? (What can it do better/different?)

2) Never thought of that. I know that the Robobet and Roboraptor robots can be controlled in the same room without interference. That is, one signal will not activate the "wrong" robot. But if I understand you then it's only "safe" to do so if the two remote controls are at widely different angles from each other, yes?

To rephrase, are you saying that if both signals from the pair of remotes reaches one of the robots, that could still confuse the robot? That would be trouble some because then the only solution would be to have two UIRT's at different ends of the room. In addition, the robots would have to stay in their "area" and not wander about too much.
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Postby jrhees » Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:17 am

The 'dual' emitter USB-UIRT is a bit of a misnomer. The newer units support multiple 'zones'. The fact that the USB-UIRT can individually address these zones helps in situations where two or more of the same make/model device must be controlled.

Think of IR as light (which it is). Even if two devices respond to entirely different IR codes/commands, if you press the buttons on both remotes at the same time, the IR light from each will overlap with the other, creating an indistiguishable mess.

You can try this -- take the remote for your TV and hold the volume button while you also hold the volume button for your stereo. They will render each other more or less useless.

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Postby Guest » Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:42 pm

For one of our automated tools we used to use smarthome's PC to Ir Linc and are evaluating your product for this tool as we will be using it for other automated tools.

Our tool will need to control 8 independent IR devices. Each device will be controlled competly independent of each other, from the same PC. We will cascade them through two USB hubs from the PC's native USB ports. With serial based devices we can address by COM Port.

You wrote "You can use multiple USB-UIRT's on the same machine with a bit of change to your programming. In this scenario, each USB-UIRT acts independently." What changes do you require? How do you address each?


Postby JoshuaBerry » Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:53 pm

Anonymous wrote:For one of our automated tools we used to use smarthome's PC to Ir Linc and are evaluating your product for this tool as we will be using it for other automated tools.

Our tool will need to control 8 independent IR devices. Each device will be controlled competly independent of each other, from the same PC. We will cascade them through two USB hubs from the PC's native USB ports. With serial based devices we can address by COM Port.

You wrote "You can use multiple USB-UIRT's on the same machine with a bit of change to your programming. In this scenario, each USB-UIRT acts independently." What changes do you require? How do you address each?


Bumping my own post as i'm now logged in. :D
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Postby jrhees » Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:38 am

Please refer to my email to you,

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