simplest way to get IR codes (raw or pronto) for x-10

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simplest way to get IR codes (raw or pronto) for x-10

Postby Guest » Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:02 am

i'm trying to set my usb-uirt up to blast a ir-543 receiver to control a couple of x-10 wall outlets.

having a terrible time trying to find raw or pronto codes for x-10 ...
the only "codes" i can find are ccf files, and i'm clueless how to use these files.

is there a "simple" way to get x-10 ir raw or pronto codes?

am i going to have to get a IR remote that supports x-10 IR codes, and capture the codes? that's not so straighht forward either...

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Postby Guest » Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:54 am

well, i found a list of pronto format x-10 codes....
i'll try them out this week and f/u to let everyone know if they worked..

Postby Guest » Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:21 pm


i actually got the pronto codes to work!

if anyone needs ir codes for the X-10 ir543 module, let me know.

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