USB-UIRT, SnapStream, and ATI Remote Wonder

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USB-UIRT, SnapStream, and ATI Remote Wonder

Postby kanman » Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:34 am

Hi All,

As soon as the USB-UIRT is back in stock I am going to order one. I just had a quick question, I use SnapStream with an ATI Remote Wonder. This is working quite well - the question is can I continue using the ATI with the USB-UIRT having the USB-UIRT send the proper codes to my Bell Express VU SAT receiver? Or should I get an IR learning remote that supports the BEV receiver and get an IR Extender (I have other apps that I am using on my HTPC that the ATI is working with now also - JRiver Media Center 9.1) The main reason I am getting the USB-UIRT is that it has the additional 56khz sensor that the BEV receivers like.


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Postby jrhees » Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:08 am


I'm a bit confused at what you're trying to do...

The 56K sensor on the USB-UIRT allows you to control your PC (Girder, Snapstream, etc.) with a 56KHz remote. However, it sounds like you want to get the USB-UIRT to control your Sat box. ??

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Postby kanman » Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:35 am

Jon, thanks for the reply.

Maybe I am not 100% sure on what the USB-UIRT will do....I need to have Snapstream change my channels. From what I have been reading it seems that most people are having the best luck with the USB-UIRT and Bell ExpressVu along with DISH receivers. Is this correct? I just happen to be using the ATI at the moment and didn't know if I could continue and with Girder have the channel changes forwarded from Snapstream to the BEV or is there an easier way...will an IR remote from Radio Shack and the USB-UIRT then control the PC and the BEV receiver as long as the IR remote is compatible with BEV?

Thanks again, I know these are probably extremely "new user" questions...

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Postby jrhees » Fri Jan 23, 2004 4:56 am


Snapstream currently has built-in support for the TRANSMIT functionality of the USB-UIRT. What this means, is that with a USB-UIRT, Snapstream can command the USB-UIRT directly to change the channels on your BEV Satellite box.

Now, the USB-UIRT also has receive functionality, but since Snapstream doesn't support that functionality you would have to use Girder to translate received IR commands from any of your remotes to keypresses, etc. to control apps like Snapstream.

On the other hand, if you already have a way to control Snapstream you could likely continue to use that method and only use the USB-UIRT for transmit.

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Postby kanman » Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:43 am

Thanks Jon,

That is what I thought I just needed confirmation. Is Jan 29th still looking like when the next batch of USB-UIRT's will be available for shipping?

Thanks again,

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Postby jrhees » Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:20 pm

I expect plastics around that date. From time to time they get stuck in customs. I'm crossing my fingers...

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Postby Guest » Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:52 pm

what does the 56khz thingy do? I noticed that my ATI REMOTE WONDER II that came with my ATI 9600XT All in wonder card sends out a radio frequency, like Wavebird Remote. Does USB-IRT thing work with the ATI Remote Wonder II? So every Sony remote and my motorola remote will make the light on my IRT light up, but my ATI REMOTE WONDER, doesn't do anything. Its very possible i have it setup wrong. I don't really understand how to get this part to work.

Postby jrhees » Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:49 pm

The ATI remote wonder is an RF (radio frequency) remote. AFAIK, it does not have the capability to transmit IR (infrared light). The USB-UIRT only works with IR.

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Postby Guest » Wed Feb 09, 2005 3:51 am

So, when i ordered my USB-IR controller I told them what remote i had.

Why didn't they tell me then that it wasn't going to work with it?

So what do i do now? What do i need to buy to get the ATI Remote to work with digital box?

Postby IJoeR » Wed Feb 09, 2005 3:54 am

I registered for the site, i am the guest that wrote those last two messages.
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Postby IJoeR » Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:12 pm

So ok i have USB-UIRT thing, what remote do you recommend i get that will allow me to change channels so i can program the computer to record shows. So far i haven't been able to do that. Do i need a remote in order to do that?

maybe i am just really confused at what i need to do.

i got everything hooked up but i can't get my computer to switch the channels.

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Postby jrhees » Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:10 am


The USB-UIRT can do two different things:

a) RECEIVE IR from remotes you already have. This allows you to use a remote to cause your PC to do things. For example, you press Play on your remote, and software on the PC reacts.

b) TRANSMIT IR to equipment you have, like TV's, VCR's and Cable/Sat boxes. This is commonly used by PVR apps like Sage and Snapstream to change channels on Cable and Sat tuners.

It sounds like you want to do 'b' above.

If that is the case, and you're trying to use a PVR app like Sage or Snapstream which has support for the USB-UIRT, then the remote you will need to "LEARN" from is your Cable or Satellite remote.

Both Sage and Snapstream have wizards that take you through the learning process. What they will do is 'learn' each of the digits from your remote control so that the USB-UIRT can retransmit these codes to your Cable/Sat box.

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Postby IJoeR » Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:43 am

excellent. Thanks very much. At first i thought i had bought something that i didn't need, but then i realized I needed it either way, no matter if it worked with my remote or not.

I ordered Beyond Media so when that arrives I'll be good to go.

Thanks for the assist.
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Postby AchilleTalon » Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:06 pm

You can use ATI RW and USB-UIRT, provided you have something like Girder.

Let me explain:

I have a ATI RW (+ the usb receptor that comes with it), an USB-UIRT and the program Girder.
With a basic programming in girder, I can use my ATI RW to tell girder to have the USB-UIRT trigger an IR event (the IR-code for "change channel on SAT box" for example).

So, even though my ATIRW is only RF, it can (in a way) be used to send IR commands. And i can program its keys the way I want.

Hope this helped. ;)
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Postby IJoeR » Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:43 pm

i downloaded girder, trying it out now. I don't know how to use it.

All been doing nothing but scratching my head.

I have sooo many wires between my computer, tv, stereo, ps2, switch box...which i just added btw.

I did get the BeyondTV to change the channels which is great!

A new problem arose when i hooked up the switch box though, I hook in the cable in and coax out to tv to the switch box. i hooked my audio outs on the switch box to my video channel on my stereo. I hooked the s-video out to the TV. Everything else is plugged into the switch box.

Problem is now i am getting poor reception through my cable.

the UIRT is having problems switching stations to anything higher then 66 or 62...any idea what might be causing either of these things.

The first thing i will try when i get home is switching the coax in/out to go back to directly into the box and the TV or i might try another coax cable, maybe i have a bad cable.

anyway, i was soo happy to see the channel change, i was very impressed.

I bought the firefly remote and beyond media, i'll probably get BeyondTV because its better then my guide program right now.

I have Guide Plus that comes with the ATI card...doesn't seem to support usbuirt.
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