Custom USB-UIRT with an IR Receiver input?

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Custom USB-UIRT with an IR Receiver input?

Postby infiltrator » Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:30 pm

Sorry if this was asked & answered previously, looking through the previous posts I didn't see this particular issue addressed.

Would it be possible to have a USB-UIRT built which would have two input jacks on it – the existing IR emitter jack plus an additional jack for an IR input which will come from an IR distribution block?

I plan to put the USB-UIRT inside a structured wiring enclosure and thought that two jacks would be a more reliable solution than having to tape an emitter to the front of the unit. I will be using the USB-UIRT for home automation and just need a way to detect and transmit the IR signals from a computer.
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Postby kamikaze » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:27 pm

I've been suggesting this for a while, and for some reason, the developer just simply won't answer this question. It's rather frustrating
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Custom USB-UIRT with an IR Receiver input?

Postby infiltrator » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:49 pm

Indeed it is! I have sent several emails since last December trying to find out if this would be possible. I figured there were other people wanting to use these in wiring closets who have the same issue. It may be as easy as wiring a jack to the same leads as the built in receiver (or instead of the built in receiver) - of course I don't know for sure javascript:emoticon(':oops:'). Even if the developer isn't willing to create a USB-UIRT with a receive and emitter jack, if he would at least respond and indicate that he wasn't, I would buy a regular USB-UIRT anyway - the only reason I haven't is because the question hasn't been answered one way or another.
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Postby MurrayW » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:38 pm

Add another person who would like to have this functionality. Is there any reason not to respond to the post one way or the other, Jon?
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Postby kamikaze » Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:14 pm

Since I can't seem to get an answer one way or the other, it seems that my solution is to get an MCE remote and receiver that I can use on the USB hub in my living room. It would be nice if there was a way to extend the receiver on the USB-UIRT, but I guess that's not going to happen.

You've really got an awesome device here Jon, one that in my opinion is 95% perfect. Give us a USB-UIRT that has all external emitters/receivers which will increase the flexibility quite a bit and I think you'll have nailed it.
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