ATT Uverse: Inputting "OK" Before Channel

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ATT Uverse: Inputting "OK" Before Channel

Postby Cilantro13 » Sun May 11, 2008 9:11 pm

I have AT&T Uverse. For whatever reason, it looks like the cable boxes are programmed to turn off after a set period of time (for example 48 hours). Presumably, this is because AT&T runs IPTV and leaving the cableboxes on wastes the shared bandwidth from the box serving the neighborhood.

My question is: the cable boxes can be powered on by sending the "OK" signal to the box. Because "OK" does nothing if the box is already turned on and there are no menu items displayed, how does one configure the USB-UIRT to send the "OK" signal prior to changing the channel each time?
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Postby bigstusexy » Wed May 21, 2008 3:51 pm

I don't have a URBURIT yet, but I'm looking into purchasing one, however usually this is upto the program that you are using the device with. For me I'll be using GBPVR and the wya that it worked with my current device is that it runs a program to change channels, I can simply tell it to put "o", What have OK mapped to, before the channel.

This question might be better off on the board of the program you are using to control your device.

I do have some questions for you! I am getting this to control my U-Verse setup as well, how did you get your IR codes did you learn them from your remote? How reliable has you UIRT been controlling your box so far? Is this device near a Plasma or LCD tv?
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You are right

Postby Cilantro13 » Wed May 21, 2008 4:55 pm

I figured that out after the fact. I use Snapstream BeyondTV, which has a module for learning from the remote control itself. I have my setup under a cabinet (with doors).

The one issue I am consistently having trouble with is that the USBUIRT extends the range of the Uverse remote (my wife uses the Uverse cable box mostly, which means she uses that remote) because they face opposite to each other thereby creating a 360 IR reception range if your use the Uverse remote. The USBUIRT, near as I can tell, retransmits anything it received via IR, which sometimes changes the channels and more importantly, turns off the cable box (I think) unbeknownst to my HTPC.

I can't tell whether the cable boxes are designed to automatically turn themselves off after some predetermined time to conserve bandwidth or whether the sensor on the box below the cabinet or the USBUIRT is sometimes getting a whiff of the power signal sent when my wife turns on or off the cable box. However, if you can program your USBUIRT (or whatever program controls it) to send the OK signal prior to tuning the channels, it will turn the box back on.

Reliability hasn't been an issue. The USBUIRT has been rock solid for what it is supposed to do. Because it is under a cabinet, there are no issues with the TV (LCD).
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Postby bigstusexy » Wed May 21, 2008 7:34 pm

Thanks for replying, I'm glad you got your problem worked out.

Thats good to know, I am considering buying on so my HTPC can record from the service now. The device I have now works but for no reason at all it seems like the uverse box starts rejecting its commands. I'm not home much and I don't have the DVR and WHDVR isn't available yet, I only view about 7 different programs on 4 different channels but I want to be able to reliably time shift them again.

So your UIRT is it ir sensor facing the uverse box? Just making sure I got that right as I'm a bit confused if it wasn't how would the built in Blaster work, if it is turned around and its still catching the uverse remote then thats perfect as I'd like it to blast but also control my computer with another remote for basic media commands.
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I suppose I should clarify

Postby Cilantro13 » Wed May 21, 2008 7:49 pm

Under the cabinet, I have my HTPC, a DVD player, a Uverse cable box, and the USBUIRT. Above the cabinet, I have a second Uverse cable box next to the television, which is the one my wife uses to watch TV. The problem is sometime the ir remote commands intended for the one above the cabinet get relayed to the one below when the doors are shut, which causes the channel to change or the power to be turned off.

So yeah, the USB-UIRT and cable box under the cabinet are pushed all the way to the back of the cabinet and turned 90 degrees so they are not directly facing the crack between the cabinet doors. The USB-UIRT is placed directly in front of and facing the cable box.

Snapstream sells a great little RF remote that (no line of sight necessary) that can be configured to work with girder. I have fiddled with girder a little, and it isn't tough to program per se, but very time consuming.

I am not sure why the Uverse box would reject the commands. Mine works fine with respect to getting commands from the USB-UIRT, but that is the only connection between cable box and computer with the exception of an S-Video connector hooked to one of my TV cards.
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Postby bigstusexy » Fri May 23, 2008 3:04 pm

Thanks for answering my questions, I really appreciate it. I've already ordered and just waiting for its delivery. I'm hoping it gets here quick and I can set it up and be done with it. If I can get it going as well as you have with HIP then I'm all set.
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Re: ATT Uverse: Inputting "OK" Before Channel

Postby » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:10 pm

Cilantro13 wrote:I have AT&T Uverse. For whatever reason, it looks like the cable boxes are programmed to turn off after a set period of time (for example 48 hours). Presumably, this is because AT&T runs IPTV and leaving the cableboxes on wastes the shared bandwidth from the box serving the neighborhood.

My question is: the cable boxes can be powered on by sending the "OK" signal to the box. Because "OK" does nothing if the box is already turned on and there are no menu items displayed, how does one configure the USB-UIRT to send the "OK" signal prior to changing the channel each time?

Hi Cilantro13,

I have created a standalone utility service program that sends the "OK" command out to the STB via the USB-UIRT on a configured daily time schedule. (every three hours by default).

I have been using this for my 2 AT&T Uverse Motorola VIP-1200 STBs for about a week now and it has been working great! Since I started using this, I have not has a single time where one of my STB's went to sleep or into standby.

Here is the download link, freely available to the community.

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Thanks Shadeblue

Postby Cilantro13 » Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:32 pm

This is great.
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Location: Tustin, Ca.

alt. solution

Postby metzz71 » Wed May 27, 2009 7:48 pm

Same approach, but I did not want to rely on third party app and everything that comes with it. Since I am windows admin, scheduling a batch file to run an exe was more in my area. I downloaded this command line app from and setup a windows scheduled job to run daily every 4 hours. It has been working so far. If you want my files, I can send them, just give me your email.

You can also go into BTV web admin and tell the USB-UIRT to send enter before channel change. Pad channels to 4. I use the script because I think the USB-UIRT is slow to begin with and the script removes and extra code each time a channel change is sent.
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