Is anybody succeded in the way of managing multiple USB-UIRT with the managed Wrapper in c#, or the DLL in Visual Basic ?
If so, I would be interested to know how to.
I have the code in c++ but don't know how to write it in C# or VB.
UUIRTDRV_API HUUHANDLE PASCAL UUIRTOpenEx(char *devName, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, void *reserved0, void *reserved1);
typedef HUUHANDLE (WINAPI *pfn_UUIRTOpenEx) (char *devName, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, void *reserved0, void *reserved1);
Handle = UUIRTOpenEx("USB-UIRT", 0, NULL, NULL); for the normal unit
Handle2 = UUIRTOpenEx("USB-UIRT-2", 0, NULL, NULL); for the second unit, Etc