The Canon RC-1 has been reverse engineered, and the protocol is detailed in this very helpful post.
- Code: Select all
Parameter Original RC-1 Tolerance
Num. of pulses 16 9 - 22
Burst frequency 32700 Hz 29800 - 35500 Hz
Delay for immediate trigger 7.33 ms 7.0 - 7.7 ms
Delay for 2 s delayed trigger 5.36 ms 5.1 - 5.7 ms
Based on this protocol, I was able to manually craft RAW UIRT codes that worked

- Code: Select all
Immediate (@35KHz): R4E2010810110
2 Sec. Delayed (@35KHz): R4E201080BC10
- When the IR emitter is said to be "on" it is actually turning itself on and off at the carrier frequency.
- At 35000Hz each cycle is ~28.57 uS, so 7.33 ms are 257 cycles (0x101).
- At 35000Hz each cycle is ~28.57 uS, so 5.36 ms are 188 cycles (0xBC).
- An inter-code delay of 1.024 seconds (20000 x 51.2uS ) was chosen arbitrarily.
UIRT RAW format: