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PVR Software that supports Input/Output IR Natively

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:37 am
by joe1024
Can Sage, Meedio, BeyondTV, other PVR software use the UIRT for both input for navigation screen control of the PVR software and also for IR output to change channels for external eqp?

After installing and working with GBPVR it seems that the author is having trouble using the UIRT for both input and output and is removing support for the UIRT as an IR receiver in the next release. It controls my Sat. receiver as a blaster just fine.

Don't want to setup PVR software again just to find out it doesn't support both Input and Output. Ideally natively so I don't have to incorporate Girder in-between. Thanks -Joe-

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:43 am
by jrhees
Hmmm, I wasn't aware of GBPVR considering dumping receive support. Do you have any links to this?

Are you speaking of the UIRT or the USB-UIRT? If you're talking about the USB-UIRT, SageTV fully supports both transmit and receive.
