Well done Jon and Darren!

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Well done Jon and Darren!

Postby chandler3224 » Sat May 07, 2005 1:32 pm

I have a little story for all. Not a great one, but a little story involving USB UIRT.

For my University dissertation, I was to create a mock up of an "Interactive Television" application. You know what I'm talking about. When you press the red button on a channel on digital television? Well the screen that comes up is an interactive application.

Anyway, since it was a mock up, I had to create it in Director.
Aha! I thought. I'll just map different links and actions to keyboard keys and such, then I'll be able to use a remote control! A Sky Digital remote control to be more precise!

So I buy an Irman since everyone was raving about it and wait 4 days.

And I receive it.

And I try Sky Digital Remote.

And it doesn't work.

After trying it out for the next half hour, I find that the Irman isn't sensitive enough to pick up the different keys on the Sky Remote. Instead, it picks them up as one.

Great. The project needs to be completed in just under 1 and a half weeks later and no remote control.

So I do a bit more searching and find the USB UIRT.
Now, I wasn't that confident on the product, since all I saw were dollar signs on the front page, and I needed the product straight away. But then I saw the UK delivery.
I ordered it.

Received it shortly after, plugged it in, installed the drivers, and tried the Sky Remote.

It worked!

I created my application and, thanks to USB UIRT, I can use it just like the television.

Thanks Jon! You've created a brilliant product, and I couldn't be happier with the service!

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 1:22 pm

Postby Jonesy » Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:01 pm

I had the same problem.


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