Random IR Code Generator?

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Random IR Code Generator?

Postby stevekim » Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:45 am

I just got a USBUIRT, and I'm loving what it can do with Girder!

Here's what I'm trying to do:
Get my Harmony remote to control my HTPC. I've got SageTV under control, but foobar2000 and the PC(mouse) emulation on the Harmony remote is givign me some trouble.

Here's the problem:
Finding IR codes to use for the HTPC and foobar2000. No exact fits exist in the Harmony database, so I've been trying to use similar devices and simply remap the commands using Girder. But many of the codes that I've grabbed (at random) from the Harmony site are RC5(?).

My question:
What strategy would you recommend for solving this problem? Is there an application that will generate random IR codes through the USBUIRT so that I can free myself from Harmony's database? Maybe even a random Pronto format code generator?

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:35 am

Postby stevekim » Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:41 pm

Well, after reading my late-night post, I think I need to clarify. Posting after midnight should be ruled out for me!

Basically, I'd like to not have to "hack" my remote behavior by using predefined Harmony codes that are improperly named or from a device that I don't even have. So, I'm wondering if there's a way to create random, and therefore unique, IR codes that I can use to train the harmony remote.

Here's how I am currently working around this issue:
1. Assign a device that somwehat closely matches my own device. For example, try using the Winamp codes from Harmony's database for my own foobar2000.
2. Work through the codes and see which ones are learnable by my USBUIRT, even if the name given to them by Harmony is totally off-base. Use Girder to "teach" the USBUIRT these commands.
3. Make custom commands for all the controls I need on the Harmony website. Use the USBUIRT to teach these IR codes to my remote.

I'd like to be able to eliminate steps 1 and 2, and just build up a list of unique random IR sequences that I can use to teach my remote. Then I'll attach these codes to my Girder events. Basically, I'm trying to use my USBUIRT + Girder as a remote that can transmite an infinite number of unique IR codes.

Any chance of pulling this off? I've got some limited programming experience...

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:35 am

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