BTV user wrote:Using a wireless usb hub would get the emitters over to the STB's. Are you using the receiver to control something in your DVR software or another program? Before wireless hubs became available, IR repeater/extender using an RF link between the Rx and Tx units allowed me to control a STB in another room. However it does not have a frequency selection so I assume you would not be able to run 3 units without interference.
how do you figure that you can extend the emitters over USB?
Here's my setup:
In the office, at one end of the house:
SageTV Server (htpc)
2 Star Choice STB's
USB-UIRT with 2 emitters coming out of the 1/8" Jack
In the living room, at the other end of the house:
Video over component cable and coax for digital audio. Using the IR receiver from my Hauppauge PVR-150 card extended over Cat5 to the Living room for my remote currently, but am looking for options in case i ever need to replace this card with something that doesn't have an IR receiver.
so, I can use a USB over cat5 extension to get the usb-uirt into the living room no problem so I can use the receiver on it for my remote, but then I need to extend the IR blasters back to the STB's. I played around last night, and did just that, extending the blasters over Cat5 as well, and it worked fine, but my plasma tv gives off a TON of IR interference, so it's not going to work well out there anyway, unless there some sort of filter I can put on the front of it but that I suppose is another issue all in itself.
I'd really rather not have the whole USB-UIRT in the living room. just a personal preference I guess, but it will work with the emitters extended over CAT5. I'd just like one with everything external to the box, it would give installers a few more options
something that would realllllly be cool, would be a PCI or PCI-E version with multiple 1/8" jacks for emitters and a couple IR receivers for multi component/multi room setups. probably way beyond the scope of Jon's vision for this product, but it would be pretty sweet nonetheless