Custom USB-UIRTs?

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Custom USB-UIRTs?

Postby kamikaze » Wed May 27, 2009 7:57 pm

I was wondering, if it would be possible to get a custom USB-UIRT built, at an added cost of course. What i'd like to have is all the emitters be external (with 3 seperate 1/8" jacks, or maybe an RJ45 jack, and the receiver be external as well (in it's own seperate little box, maybe with a 1/8" or RJ45 jack?).

The reason for this is that in order to use all 3 zones to blast devices, you'd literally need to tape the front of the UIRT to your STB, and then you'd lose the receiver. The reason I'd like an external receiver, is because my HTPC is setup in my equipment rack and I need about 65' of cable to extend to my living room. I have currently got the IR receiver from my PVR-150 card extended to the HTPC from the living room over Cat5, but if I end up going with another HD-PVR I wont' need the SD card anymore.

These hardware changes shouldn't need any major modifications to the current USB-UIRT, and no changes to the software either.

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custom usb-uirt

Postby BTV user » Sun May 31, 2009 6:00 am

I don't have personal experience with wireless usb hubs, however it sounds like one of these units would cover the 65 foot spans. then you would need 2 remote emitters to drive 3 stb units
BTV user
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Re: custom usb-uirt

Postby kamikaze » Sun May 31, 2009 5:02 pm

BTV user wrote:I don't have personal experience with wireless usb hubs, however it sounds like one of these units would cover the 65 foot spans. then you would need 2 remote emitters to drive 3 stb units

I see what you are saying, but then I'd need to extend the emitters back to the STB's in my office. I'd rather keep the USB UIRT in the office with the rest of my AV stuff, and just extend the receiver.
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custom usb-uirt

Postby BTV user » Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:40 am

Using a wireless usb hub would get the emitters over to the STB's. Are you using the receiver to control something in your DVR software or another program? Before wireless hubs became available, IR repeater/extender using an RF link between the Rx and Tx units allowed me to control a STB in another room. However it does not have a frequency selection so I assume you would not be able to run 3 units without interference.
BTV user
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Re: custom usb-uirt

Postby kamikaze » Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:59 pm

BTV user wrote:Using a wireless usb hub would get the emitters over to the STB's. Are you using the receiver to control something in your DVR software or another program? Before wireless hubs became available, IR repeater/extender using an RF link between the Rx and Tx units allowed me to control a STB in another room. However it does not have a frequency selection so I assume you would not be able to run 3 units without interference.

how do you figure that you can extend the emitters over USB?

Here's my setup:

In the office, at one end of the house:
SageTV Server (htpc)
2 Star Choice STB's
USB-UIRT with 2 emitters coming out of the 1/8" Jack

In the living room, at the other end of the house:
Video over component cable and coax for digital audio. Using the IR receiver from my Hauppauge PVR-150 card extended over Cat5 to the Living room for my remote currently, but am looking for options in case i ever need to replace this card with something that doesn't have an IR receiver.

so, I can use a USB over cat5 extension to get the usb-uirt into the living room no problem so I can use the receiver on it for my remote, but then I need to extend the IR blasters back to the STB's. I played around last night, and did just that, extending the blasters over Cat5 as well, and it worked fine, but my plasma tv gives off a TON of IR interference, so it's not going to work well out there anyway, unless there some sort of filter I can put on the front of it but that I suppose is another issue all in itself.

I'd really rather not have the whole USB-UIRT in the living room. just a personal preference I guess, but it will work with the emitters extended over CAT5. I'd just like one with everything external to the box, it would give installers a few more options :)

something that would realllllly be cool, would be a PCI or PCI-E version with multiple 1/8" jacks for emitters and a couple IR receivers for multi component/multi room setups. probably way beyond the scope of Jon's vision for this product, but it would be pretty sweet nonetheless ;)
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custom usb-urit

Postby BTV user » Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:55 pm

You may want to try "old school" technology. If your IR remote controls do not interfere with the 3 products you are controlling,you may be OK using a remote control extender. It converts IR sinals into RF signals, the other half converts RF back into IR. Mine works around 90%+ of the time. When it fails the unit that converts RF into IR is in some kind of logic loop in that it's pumping out IR signals and the remote control will not work the STB due to the interference. I unplug the repeater and plug it bacck in "reset" it. The units were under $50 for the pair, i got mine @ best buy or circuit city. the following URL will provide more info. ... ender.aspx

I always thought it would be a cool setup if the IR to RF unit had a usb interface
BTV user
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Re: custom usb-urit

Postby kamikaze » Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:44 pm

BTV user wrote:You may want to try "old school" technology. If your IR remote controls do not interfere with the 3 products you are controlling,you may be OK using a remote control extender. It converts IR sinals into RF signals, the other half converts RF back into IR. Mine works around 90%+ of the time. When it fails the unit that converts RF into IR is in some kind of logic loop in that it's pumping out IR signals and the remote control will not work the STB due to the interference. I unplug the repeater and plug it bacck in "reset" it. The units were under $50 for the pair, i got mine @ best buy or circuit city. the following URL will provide more info. ... ender.aspx

I always thought it would be a cool setup if the IR to RF unit had a usb interface

I've seen these before, and thought about using one before a buddy of mine helped me extend the receiver from my Hauppauge PVR-150 card. My worry is what happens if I get rid of the card, or it dies, etc. Really, all I'd need is a remote receiver for my current USB-UIRT, or I could probably just buy another one and stick it out in the living room, and use the other to blast my STBs. I'm really looking for a hard-wired solution to this, as there's fewer variables when something goes south, and more third party hardware just isn't the answer.
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Postby kamikaze » Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:39 pm

I was really hoping to get Jon's thoughts on this subject, I realize he's a busy guy but since I've sent him a couple unanswered emails the least he could do is post in here and tell us what he thinks
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Postby kamikaze » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:43 pm

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