I am glad to announce you that release 2 of HC-SKIPPER is now available.
Many people have asked me if I could implement the X10 protocol in order to drive lights, screens or shutters.
To do so I bought a CM15 and 2 LM11 modules.
Now HC-SKIPPER can drive X10 equipements through PLC, RF or IR.
Only PLC has been tested since I do not own X10 devices that work with RF or IR. So if you encounter any problems with these do not hesitate to contact me.
Some other improvements have been done:
- You can now add the same button on the same handset on a lower layer
- Code optimization
- Graphical homogenisation
- Trial period extended to 90 days
The web site is beeing updated; So you will not find right now some new information about these improvements.
Thanks to the ones who have dowloaded HC-SKIPPER and make use of it.
See you soon !