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Need a guide to setup BeyondTV with two cablebox

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:35 pm
by Camay

I plan to add a second "scientific atlanta 2200" to my setup and I currently investigate for the proper way to go with BTV. The zone function seem very confusing for me because I think they are no "out-of-the-box" way to setup BTV with the zones... also, I'm a french speaker so instead of searching and grabbing info in the whole forum it sould be nice to have a set-by-step guide.

Currently, I have a MyBlaster device from but with two identical cablebox I doesn't see how can I hide the ir signal from that kind of device, so the only way to go is with USBIRT.

What are the steps from the begenning ?


- Buy a USBIRT
- Buy a external dual emitter (when you want to control two identical cablebox) and where to buy that thing ?
- Install drivers, etc...
- Setting up BTV etc...

Thanks for your support !

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:11 pm
by jrhees
I agree that a step-by-step guide would be good. My version of BTV is old and I plan to put in the time to make this guide. I won't likely get to it for another week, however.

If someone else wants to tackle this, be my guest!


PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:26 pm
by Camay
Yeah ! I think that for customer it is important to figure out in advence if the solution is appropriate for him.