Which Unit for Scientific Atlanta Explorer 3250?

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Which Unit for Scientific Atlanta Explorer 3250?

Postby AZ_Ron » Sun Oct 10, 2004 1:50 am

HI all... I just bought a PVR250, and have digital cable so I have to run through the box first... I need to order a unit, but it looks like there's a standard unit, and one with an additional transmitter... which one do I need to work with the box listed in the subject line??

Thanks guys!

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Postby jrhees » Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:37 pm


Either unit should work to control your box. The 56KHz option adds a 56KHz *receiver* which is useful only if your want to use your Sci. Atlanta *remote* to navigate control the PC (with Girder, etc.).

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Postby Guest » Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:15 am

Ahhhh... I see... A friend of mine up in Canada said he had one, but was not the correct freq. for his box...If it'll work on mine I'll buy it from him...



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