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StreamZap Remote And Snapstream

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:23 pm
by devguy

I have a question for you. I have a snapstream setup with the StreamZap remote. I just ordered your product and was wondering if the usb-uirt replaces the StreamZap reciever being the usb-uirt is a transmitter and reciever. Also I see on snapstream they say that there is native support for my cable box which is a Sony DHG-M55CV. Is this true as I do not see it listed on your site. :?: :?: :?:


PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:21 pm
by jrhees
Snapstream, for some reason, has only chosen to have built-in *transmit* support for the USB-UIRT. They do not support receive functionality (unless you manually use a go-between program like Girder to receive and then simulate keypresses to Snapstream).

As far as built-in support for the Sony, what Snapstream is saying is that they already have pre-defined templates for many pieces of equipment. A template saves time because you don't have to 'learn' the buttons from your remote. Take it with a grain of salt though -- I'm not sure if all of their templates have been tested on actual equipmentor not.


Another Question

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:16 pm
by devguy
Thanks Jon

I appreciate your quick response to my post. I guess that answered my question about those issues but raised some others in my mind. I currently have snapstream set up to work with the serial port transmitter sold on the snapstreams site. It was a nightmare to get working but I finally did using he remote software. I noticed that changing the channels on my pc takes about 10 to 30 seconds before the signal is even ever sent to the cablebox. I figure this is because a delay in response from the he remote software. If I set the priority higher on that software then the picture studders but it does work some what decently but not as well as I had first expected. So I was not 100% thrilled with the performance of it. I ordered your usb device last night because I figured it might make things quicker when changing channels and thought it would replace the current ir reciever I have with the snapstream remote. The questions I guess this raised in my mind is will I be in any better position then I am now if I use your product over the current serial version. Also will I still need he remote software which I believe is causing the delay to begin with? :evil:

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2004 6:05 pm
by jrhees

Hopefully the USB-UIRT works *much* better for you in your setup. Since Snapstream's support for the USB-UIRT is built-in, you will *not* need any middleware like he remote -- the Snapstream SW talks to the USB-UIRT driver directly.
