need htpc software for usb-uirt

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need htpc software for usb-uirt

Postby nakins » Sun Apr 11, 2004 5:27 pm


I've had the usb-uirt for a while, and I had a free (old) version girder, but I had to swap the pc it was on to replace a pc that crapped out on me. I have a new pc now and thought this would be an easy task to get it set up again. I went to d/l the driver for the usb-uirt and saw that there was new stuff, driver, plugin, firmware. I got it all and installed it all. I went to d/l a girder and now they want 20 bucks for it. I'm not cheap, but after building a new pc and having a lightning stike take out my dsl modem and my router, I'm a little miffed that I have to buy more stuff.

So, If I have to pay for something, I want something good and take care of my needs. Do any of you have a suggestion on htpc software that uses the usb-uirt?
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Postby Dean Roddey » Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:58 am

You can find a list of applications that support the USB-UIRT at the bottom of this page:

I of course think that CQC is the best one there, but I'm biased.
Dean Roddey

Postby jrhees » Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:27 pm


You may also want to look around and see if you can find the older freeware version of Girder. I believe only the new versions of Girder require purchase...?

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