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Wireless keyboard as an"ultimate remote" with USB-

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 7:17 pm
by galileo
Good people from AVS forum gave me the link and after reading for 30 sec I ordered one.

Now as a newbie I want to ask some questions, maybe basic:

I intend to use USB-UIRT so my keyboard is my "ultimate remote".
Namely, controls TV On/Off/Video1-5;
Controls Directv Receiver;
Controls A/V Receiver;
Controls my Pioneer F727 so it can change DVD's (so far I was unable to teach any remote "change DVD" command and that's why original remote is still around, but I want it to retire soon.

So how trivial/complicated are my goals?

Thanks a lot.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:26 am
by jrhees

I assume you're *not* trying to use the USB-UIRT to receive an IR keyboard, correct?

With Girder, your goals should be fairly straightforward. The biggest effort will be creating Girder setups and scripts to automate the entire task. Sounds like the Change DVD command might give us some trouble, but if it does, simply let me know and we'll work through it.


PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 2:09 am
by galileo

Thanks for the reply.

No, for all intensive purposess USB-UIRT should handle my wireless keyboard as a regular keyboard, it has it's own receiver etc.

I will let you know what happens. And I do appreciate what you are doing.



PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:16 pm
by galileo2000
OK, I am almost there.

I need to do couple more things:

- learn how to import Pronto codes into USB-IRT (I am not getting any luck so far)
- put all the discrete codes for TV, Pioneer F727 300+1 DVD changer and Sony 300 CD changer so I can access any CD or DVD from Girder by name;
- put all the titles of the DVd's and CD's into my Girder suite.

And then...Al Bundy, eat your heart out, my remote is better than your remote!!! :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 3:56 pm
by galileo2000
OK, mission accomplished.

Many thanks to Jon for all his help.