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Postby jrhees » Wed Dec 17, 2003 10:01 pm

Yes, that item should work fine. I've seen them cheaper before but cannot recall where.

The jack on the back of the unit is Stereo, but is designed to work with mono emitters, which are commonplace.

You could wire your own jack to get more power by using both the L and R pins of the stereo jack, but that's probably not worth the effort until you know whether the standard hookup will work for you.

The external emitter cable length is not critical -- some have run cables in excess of 50 feet...

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Postby Dutch » Sun Dec 21, 2003 3:23 pm

I have it all working great now! Thanks for your advise jon!

I have the USB-UIRT outside the closet now and run cable with the external emitters inside the closet. I ended up using the stick-on things.

Why are there only 3 stick-on emitters on such a cable? In the near future I would require 5 or 6. Would that be a problem?

Thanks again!


Postby jrhees » Sun Dec 21, 2003 6:12 pm


I'm surprised you found one with *3* that works for you. Two emitters per cable is usually the maximum you'll find...

The reason more emitters are not put on a single cable is because of the voltage limitation -- the emitters are wired in series and each represents about a 1.4V drop. Two or three in series gets near the 5V output of the USB-UIRT.

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Postby Dutch » Sun Dec 21, 2003 11:26 pm

OK, I guess I'm lucky then :D

But what other way to get 5 or 6 of these stick-ons working?
You've put me completely in the dark now :(


Postby jrhees » Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:35 pm

The USB-UIRT has a STEREO jack on it which can theroretically connect *two* sets of emitters -- each connection on the stereo jack has a separate current-limiting resistor.

The trick is to build or buy the appropriate stereo-to-2-mono adapter to pull this off.

What you want is an adapter that looks like this:

+-------- Mono LEFT Jack
STEREO PLUG <------|
+-------- Mono RIGHT Jack

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Postby dman » Sat Jan 10, 2004 3:13 pm

jrhees wrote:dman,

You're right. In your case, two USB-UIRT's connected to the same PC with two USB-UIRT Girder plugins would do the trick. Since both USB-UIRT's wouldn't see the same IR traffic at the same time, you wouldn't have any issues with double-events, etc.

If you want to give this a try, let me know and I'll make a special plugin for you to try. If in the end it doesn't work, I'll pay for the return postage...


First let me apologize for the long delay in my response. Unfortunately our hobbies have to take a back seet to life sometimes.

If the offer is still open then I am definitely willing to give this a try. I just placed my order. I will pm you to let you know who I am.
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I need this capability too

Postby delgross » Thu Feb 12, 2004 11:02 pm

I really do think this would be very useful. I have some AV equipment I can control via serial ports. I already use the uirt to receive my remote signals but really do need a way to relay some of them into the equipment cabinet.

Postby jrhees » Fri Feb 13, 2004 12:08 am


There *is* currently a beta version of the driver and and a beta *secondary* USB-UIRT plugin for using two units on the same PC at the same time...

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Postby delgross » Sat Feb 28, 2004 1:54 pm

Is there anyway I can get a copy of this beta? It really would solve alot of my problems.... at least with the computer.

Edward Del Grosso
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Postby Guest » Tue Apr 20, 2004 11:32 pm

is this DUAL (2 on 1 pc) available? i'd like to give it a try.

Postby Guest » Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:22 pm

sorry, i ment is the driver for 2 uirt's on 1 pc available to download?

Postby jrhees » Wed Apr 21, 2004 7:54 pm

Yes it is, but it is somewhat dependent on the software you want to use to control the USB-UIRT's. Are you using Girder or something else?

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Postby Guest » Thu Apr 22, 2004 12:58 pm

Yes i'm running girder
it controls, myhtpc, beyond tv (snapstream), simple video, and a host of other plugins, media player, winamp, foobar, etc etc..

Postby jrhees » Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:27 pm

OK Then,

First of all, you'll want to be using the latest API Driver

Simply unzip the uuirtdrv.dll file in this .zip and copy it overtop the one in your Windows\System32 folder.

Then you'll also want to make sure you're running the latest Girder plugin

Also, you'll want to download and install the 'USB-UIRT-2' plugin: . With this second plugin, you'll see two USB-UIRT drivers listed in Girder. What this basically means is that you'll have to assign Girder actions to the appropriate plugin (regular USB-UIRT or USB-UIRT-2') depending on which USB-UIRT you want to transmit from.

Finally, you'll need to 'rename' one of your USB-UIRT's. To do this:
1. Plug in only ONE of your USB-UIRT's (the one you want to rename).
2. Shut down any applications using the USB-UIRT.
3. Download and run the rename utility:
4. When prompted to rename the device, choose 'Y'es
5. Rename the USB-UIRT to number '2'

At this point you can plug in both USB-UIRT's and enable both Plugins in Girder.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Postby Guest » Mon Apr 26, 2004 4:01 pm

Thanks Jon. i'll give this a try when i get home..


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