ShowShifter/SnapStream/WinFast PVR

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ShowShifter/SnapStream/WinFast PVR

Postby yotd » Thu Aug 21, 2003 2:32 am


Is there any update to the status of direct support for ShowShifter (or any other PVR type program)? in regards to changing channels on a satellite receiver or digital cable box.

From what I've read it looks like the USB-UIRT will work fine with ShowShifter, it just requires getting Girder, USB-UIRT, and ShowShifter all organized and "talking" to each other. Which may or may not be easy depending on your PC skills.


PS - ShowShifter (or SnapStream, etc..) should pay Mr. Rhees a large amount of money to partner/develop the USB-UIRT to be their recommended add-on accessory ("99% compatible with most any satellite receiver or digital cable box"). That would make their product become the #1 standout PVR solution.
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Postby jrhees » Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:42 am


I wish it were that easy.

There is some work being done on an 'IRTuner' interface which I believe can be used by Snapstream. I don't know about ShowShifter.

I had discussions with these companies a while back, unfortunately, they'd like to see a transmit-only product that is in the <$10 range (people are used to how inexpensive a product like the Actisys is since there are literally millions of them made overseas).

I wish I had a better timeline for you, but the only PVR program that has direct support at this time is SageTV (transmit support has yet to be finalized, but it is close).

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sagetv eh?

Postby eatmorepossum » Fri Sep 19, 2003 8:30 pm

I"ve been trying to figure out the critical timeshifting link for a while myself... Currently lookin at the showshifter girder usb-uirt setup. Can you provide anymore details on the sagetv solution? namely is there any plugins to download and where do i get em.


Postby jrhees » Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:31 pm

A plugin for SageTV is in development (it is actually working but has yet to be released). There is already USB-UIRT RECEIVE support in the latest SageTV build but because it takes control of the USB-UIRT, you now have no way to transmit (Girder can't access the USB-UIRT because its in use).

So, when the plugin is released, you'll have direct support from SageTV for TX *and* RX on a USB-UIRT. This first release will still take over the USB-UIRT and won't share it with Girder, but that will come next (a new release of the Girder plugin which can share the USB-UIRT with other devices).

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Postby perf » Sat Sep 20, 2003 12:46 am

To combine USB-UIRT with Snapstream or ShowShifter, use SSGirderTuner, which generates Girder events based on channel changes in ShowShifter/Snapstream.

I have used it for half a year, works perfectly.

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SnapStream announces compatiblity!

Postby yotd » Thu Oct 09, 2003 12:58 pm


I just read that SnapStream's version 3.3 (new release) offers "native support for the USB-UIRT IR tuning device".

Congratulations to SnapStream (and to you)! It's about time someone like SnapStream get a clue and offer compatibilty with your powerful device. I'm sure this will give them a significant "features" advantage over other PVR's -- at least until others follow suit.

That's what I was waiting (and I'm sure a lot of other people) -- get ready for another USB-UIRT order.

Question: Until one of those vendors (SnapStream, ShowShifter, SageTV) throws a ton of cash your way to endorse only them, can you give any pro's and con's you're aware of relating to your device and these programs?

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Postby jrhees » Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:49 pm


Well, since I don't personally use any of these programs, I can give it my best shot...

At this point, the PVR programs Sage and Snapstream both support the USB-UIRT natively. While I cannot compare the programs themselves, they differ a bit in their support of the USB-UIRT:

- Snapstream supports the TRANSMIT only of the USB-UIRT (to my knowledge). This is mainly a Snapstream choice, since they like to support a StreamZap remote for receive (to control their app).

- Sage currently supports RECEIVE only, but this is only because the TRANSMIT portion is not released yet. I have coded the transmit driver, and both I and Sage have tested it and it will be available shortly.

Because more and more apps will start supporting the USB-UIRT directly, some architectural changes have been made to USB-UIRT's drivers which are now in Beta. These changes allow MULTIPLE applications to share the USB-UIRT. The situation above is a perfect case in point: most people use more than one app, and may either need these multiple apps to all share the USB-UIRT, or may want to handle some stuff in Girder. With the new sharing capability, it won't be an All-Girder or All-some-other-app situation.

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