Linux amd64 lirc send

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Linux amd64 lirc send

Postby al9000 » Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:56 am

After much hair loss, I have a working receiver under gentoo amd64 linux.
The problem is I'm not sure the emitters are working. I have a zone model USBUIRT0038z s/n 114350. When I run
Code: Select all
irsend "send_once" "4dtv" "Power"

I can hear a zip-zip sound on headphones plugged into the ext jack (both channels) Nothing happens at the 4dtv receiver.
The driver sets dtr to disabled. I tried enabled also -- no change, the headphones/ext jack was still live. The "USB-UIRT Command Protocol" doc has nothing about zones, or the DTS state, so I'm not sure the emitter are off or on.

I'll make a run to RadioShack tomorrow and see if I can pick up an ir emitter and mini plug and test with that. If that works then it's zones, otherwise more hair loss it ahead.


PS: For those that may be trying to run an Athlon with LIRC and hw_uirt2usb, there are several errors in the lirc code. (version 0.7.0 There may be less in 0.7.1 but I haven't tackled that yet)
The errors:
1. LOGPRINTF and ambigious elses.
2. LOGPRINTF missing arguments
2. The builtin logging mech should be ignored, it will crash in 64bit land.
3. The typedef lirc_t is int yet used as both int and long in various places including a comparison to MAX_ULONG.
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Joined: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:10 am
Location: Montana, USA

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