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Binary Comparison Tables

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:08 am
by DarwinSays
hey everyone - I'm new to UIRT use and had a quick question

setup and familiarization with Girder went smoothly (though I'm still learning it), everything works nicely and i'm ready to kick it up a notch, my question is:

are there any utilities out there that will convert the hex IR codes from my remotes to binary and prepare them as tables? if the utility can use girders save files that would be a huge bonus
a sort feature would of course be nearly mandatory as well.
I will of course openly admit "duh" status if these features are available within Girder =p , but so far I havent found anything.

the purpose for this (in case there is another option) is to observe any patterns in button codes to try and isolate code groups, allowing me to attempt to find hidden codes, features, etc. within devices such as my television or DVD player. it would be a lot easier (and quicker) to be able to do this using binary since i'm not incredibly versed in hex, and converting everything manually would be horribly tedious.

any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
