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What about VB5 Enterprize?

PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 3:21 am
I'm using driver version 1.4 and all the compiled example programs work fine. When I try to load the source, in trydrv.vbp, VB5 an error pops up, "RETAINED not a valid key." So trying to work around it, I loaded all the *.frm and *.bas files into another project and the program will execute, but any time a remote is pointed and a button is pushed, the program halts at the 'RECEIVE callback function' then VB5 dies.

>>Public Sub IRReceiveCallback(ByVal IRCode As Long, ByVal userData As Long)
Call PostMessageA(gHiddenWindow, WM_GOT_RECEIVE, 0, IRCode)
End Sub

Do I need a different *.BAS or *.DLL to work with VB5? Once I can get this sample to work I can start my project.



PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 12:20 pm
by jrhees
The PostMessageA function is in a type library 'win.tlb' included with the project. This tlb will need to be added to your project.
