Integrating the USBUIRT to recieve code from script

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Integrating the USBUIRT to recieve code from script

Postby gomathi » Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:52 pm


I am using USBUIRT interface in our project.
It deals with sending IR signals from javascript to the interface, and i somehow managed to achieve this using applet.
so, in my application if i press "SEND" button, function is invoked in script which inturn start the applet. In my applet pgm i made a call to java pgm through which i created instance for USBUIRTApp and called transmit function to send the IR signal to the device.
My device is recognizing only if the signal is sent through a function of java code. It is not recognizing if we perform the same from the script.
But i need to send signals from the script and thus i am trying to accomplish this using applet.

Anyone have an idea on this!! please post ur reply :-)
Thanks in advance!!!!!

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