programming issue with BVC and UIRT

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programming issue with BVC and UIRT

Postby G_Roller » Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:18 pm

I am using USB UIRT along with BVC voice control (bills voice control) to control some AV equipment. I was using it with a laptop but alas it has died so I have satup a desktop and I'm finally to the point of programming the UIRT, I programmed it on the laptop and it worked great! (Using the same television and remote) The issue that I'm having is when I go to learn the codes I put the remote control facing the transmitter and hold down the power button, the USB-UIRT LED lights up and stays lit until I release the button, (it does not flash rapidly as it is supposed to), however it does not learn any codes from the remote. I know it is supposed to flash rapidly when learning but all it does is come on and stay on. Then when I release the remote button the IR transmitter LED goes out, if I point the remote control at the UIRT and pushed the button again when it's not learning it does not come on. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? The computer tells me the USB UIRT is working properly and is installed correctly with the right drivers that I got from the USB-UIRT website. if you have any ideas and you want to connect me directly my e-mail is
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