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usb uirt can receive, but not send

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:55 am
by reddot
Hi there,

My USB UIRT was working fine and then stopped being able to transmit IR. It can receive IR, as the red light on it flashes when I use a remote at it.

I am using a digital camera to watch the device and my remote as I do these tests. The IR from the remote is clearly visible on the camera's screen.

Usually, I use a Xantech Home Mouse IR Emitter with my USB UIRT. That (nor any of the other external emitters) does not seem to be transmitting IR from the USB UIRT.

I'm using the USB UIRT connected to my computer to control a cable box. I run SageTV. The cable box is a Motorola one that I have from Comcast. It has a LED on the front that lights up when IR is detected and it does not detect anything either from the UIRT or one of the emitters.

The cable box has a port labled "IR" on the back; is that an input or an output? I'm not sure if I have any other devices that can drive an emitter to test things out with.

I've tried switching the USB port that the UIRT is connected to.

Is there a way to completely remove the driver from my system?

I'm on XP, which is up to date w/ service packs and patches.

Is my UIRT dead? Do I just have to order another one?


PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 12:43 pm
by reddot
The machine was waiting to reboot after installation of a Windows Update for Internet Explorer.

I rebooted and the USBUIRT started to work.

As far as I know, nothing had changed with the machine except for that.