Using Tcl/Tk with USB-UIRT

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Using Tcl/Tk with USB-UIRT

Postby mocallins » Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:15 am

Being fairly proficient with Tcl/Tk and enjoy using it.
I thought I'd take a stab at adding USB-UIRT as an extension for TCL.

I was trying to use the Ffidl extension to TCL, (Ffidl allows you to call C functions using pure Tcl wrappers.) using the external functions availabe in uuirtdrv.dll.

As it is, having very little luck in actually getting something back from the API calls.

UUIRTOpen pretty consistently gives me back 0x01 (binary 1)
UUIRTClose returns 0 , I can cause it to give me back a different number, by misdefining the symbol reference to UUIRTOpen, it will then give me back a larger integer, like 3120640

All other API calls only return the values that I predefined the structures with for those calls, except for UUIRTGetDrvInfo and it returns 256.
UUIRTGetUUIRTInfo returns only what I predefine the structure as.

If anybody else has had some additional experince with Ffidl and would like to look at my definitions, I'm definitely open to the possibily.

Otherwise I basically get very little to nothing from the API, and would like some assitance
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