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IR Pass Though Causing Driver Failure

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:50 pm
by dacari
I am using the UBS-UIRT the relay IR signals to hidden equipment, but driver fails if the signal to be transmitted is the same that is recived. I have to reset by unplugging and re-installing drivers. This was happening in Event Ghost, so I thought it was a software issue because there was no wait to TX setting. I installed girder and set the wait to TX after RX any IR command to 100ms....but it still causes dirver failure. The unit will work without a hitch until I try to TX the same IR signal that is being RX. Any help on this issue would be appreciated. Thanks

Girder 5
USB-UIRT drv. 1.5 fir 5.9

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:56 pm
by dacari
update...looks like it is not a pass through problem, but a specific ir command.