USB-UIRT IR passthrough with NetRemote/Girder

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USB-UIRT IR passthrough with NetRemote/Girder

Postby joyandedwin » Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:47 pm

I purchased your USB-UIRT product and installed yesterday. Hopefully these are simple problems to fix:

- enabled USB-UIRT plug-in in Girder and opened an IR instance in NetRemote set in "direct" mode (both Netremote and Girder in this setup are running on the same XP computer); I'm able to have Net Designer learn new remote codes (i.e. TV on/off; X10 lights on/off) and when uploading the .ccf to Netremote am able to turn TV on/off, etc; Problem is that I'm not able to use the "learn IR" command in Netremote.

- when I switch the IR instances in Net remote to "passthrough" and remove the "direct" IR instance to test whether I can send the IR signal from NetRemote to Girder and then from Girder to USB-UIRT, I can't get this to work. When I test the connection in Netrmote and identify the server and port (specified in Girder), it seems to work and the Communications Server in Girder seems to show the local computer as well as connected. Is the problem because I have Netremote and Girder running on the same XP computer? It works in direct mode to transmit IR signals (although can't get it to "learn") but stops working when I set the Netremote IR instance to "passthrough"

- on the side, just installed the driver yesterday and downloaded GIRDER from promixis 2-3 weeks ago. Any chance I need to update driver or firmware? (I would presume NO)

-Also, just to be sure, is there another piece of software I need to install to get the IR passthrough to work? Do I need to have media bridge running (wouldn't have thought so) and is there an IR server that needs to be installed? I would have thought Girder was performing this "IR server" function.

Thans again for the help. I love the device so far and excited to work into my system!
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