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What and where is the latest firmware?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:47 am
by purdueee
lrnhelper shows this:
FirmwareVer=5.9 ProtVer=1.1

Is this the latest? I'm having issues with wake-on-usb in linux and want to make sure I have the latest fw.

(I'm getting immediate resumes when I try to suspend to S3 with wake-on-usb enabled- w/o the USB-UIRT, system stays suspended as expected.)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:12 am
by canoewhiteh2o
My usbuirt has the same firmware version and date as yours. Mine was purchased about a year ago. I am not sure if it is the latest.

You didn’t indicate which version of irhelper you are using. I believe the latest is irhelper 0.5.0 which can be downloaded at You can use the Wakeup Configuration to change the settings stored in the non-volatile memory. You may have already tried this, but it is just a suggestion.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:17 pm
by jrhees
That is the latest firmware.

If the PC refuses to go to sleep with the USB-UIRT connected, you will either need to disable the wake-up support on the USB-UIRT (you can do this with LrnHelper) or check the Bios settings and USB drivers on your system, since they are refusing to support keeping the USB port powered while the PC is asleep.
