Multiple USB-UIRTs and simultaneous events

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Multiple USB-UIRTs and simultaneous events

Postby lv128 » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:24 pm

I just got my two units up and running with a total of 2 zones in use on the first one and 1 external zone in use on the the 2nd one. Three boxes and tuners total, all analog.
BeyondTV seems to work fine with all the units changing channels as expected with the 3 cable boxes that I'm using. However I'm seeing something that can be a very big problem. If I have two shows that are recording at the same time and BTV decides to choose cable box 1 and 2 (which are both controlled by one usb-uirt) it sends the commands to the usb simultaneously, and as such one of the channel changes gets dropped, scrambled or something, since only the first channel change sent gets processed, I set it up so it will do it frequently and watched it do it's thing, it should have gotten a change signal to zone 1 and zone 2 on the first unit (both using external emitters) and only the first channel change sent (zone 1) succeeded. Now having three tuners with frequent shows starting at the same time on the same day, this can be a major problem. Any suggestions how to fix this. Doesn't the USBUIRT have a buffer?
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