Linux/LIRC install Qs

Issues relating to installation of your USB-UIRT device.

Moderator: jrhees

Linux/LIRC install Qs

Postby K-Bob » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:31 am

I see a lot of messages on the forum regarding using LIRC 0.7.0pre7 for the usb-uirt, via patching... Will it work for later versions, such as 0.7.1pre2-6? I don't imagine the patch will work for the later version; maybe support is built in to LIRC now (nothing on their website indicates that it is...)?

I'd love to set this up with MythTV. Any good how-tos on that? I browsed and googled around but didn't see anything good...

Postby jrhees » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:54 am


I am unsure if later versions of Lirc have this incorporated. I am in the process of making a Lirc-native daemon for the USB-UIRT on Linux which will have other features as well. Stay tuned.

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Postby Guest » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:18 pm


Thanks for the update! I thought I had seen something on your site a few weeks ago about it, but couldn't find any mention of it when I looked recently... Glad to know that something is in the works. I won't beat my head against this anymore for a while then 8)


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