number of entries/devices with HomeSeer plugin

Issues relating to installation of your USB-UIRT device.

Moderator: jrhees

number of entries/devices with HomeSeer plugin

Postby Guest » Thu May 06, 2004 7:52 pm

I'm a little confused about a (minor) limitation of the HomeSeer plugin. If I recall the numbers correctly, you are allowed to have 10 devices and each device can have 25 entries. Of course, some of my remotes require more than 25. I can split them across 2 devices, but that limits the number of devices I can use.

I switched from the pc/irlinc device (from SmartHome) to the USB-UIRT. The USB-UIRT works much better and I have absolutely no regrets about switching. It's certainly the device I'd recommend to others.

However, with the pc/irlinc, I could set 40 (I think) entries for each device and I think it allowed more than 10 devices (20?). The user interface looked the same (the standard HomeSeer form). I'm wondering why the pc/irlinc was plugin was able to give me more devices and entries than the USB-UIRT one.

Any ideas on why there's a difference?

Postby jrhees » Thu May 06, 2004 10:04 pm

Hmmm, that's a good question. I don't know how the pc/irlinc was able to allow more devices, since this is a function of HS and not the USB-UIRT plugin. I wonder if the HS guys wrote the irlinc plugin themselves and therefore knew some undocumented 'tricks' to pull this off? I had guess the 25*10 had something to do with a 255-code per byte limitation or something inside HS.

You may want to post a question about this on the HS forums.

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